Sunday, November 25, 2007

As I Return to Work

Well, it is back to work I go. I am very thankful that while I am at work all day, little Ava will be with my Mom. I am sure she will be very spoiled and loved all day long. It is amazing how different it has been this time around. I have tried to reflect on why it is different and I go back and forth between two possibilities. A simple reason is that I am 10 years older and wiser. On the more deep and thoughtful side of motherhood, I think it has been different because I have already experienced how a baby in a mother's womb grows into a 10 and almost 12 year old. God is so good! How could anyone doubt his existence when you watch the miracle of a child unfold? So, as I return, I wanted to post some pictures from the beginning to show the miracle of Ava unfold in just a few weeks. Please pray for me and my family as we transition to the next stage.
Praying and Preparing for Baby

Minutes Old

One Week Old

Three Weeks Old

Six Weeks Old

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