Here is Ava. Two months old, 11 pounds 8 ounces and 22 1/2 inches. We are noticing something new about her everyday. Her chubby cheeks, incredible blue eyes, long eyelashes, sweet smile, silky head full of hair, and the list goes on. I am having so much fun putting bows in her hair (a big thank you to Fran for the supply of bows and to Kristin for the trick on how to keep them in). I am amazed by the passage of time and how much she has changed in just two months. It hit me the other day when I realized she was outgrowing some of the outfits that were huge on her when she was just born. Once I got over the tears, I pulled down a tub and started to fill it up with clothes that are to small.
Jacob and Zachary are still in amazement with Ava. Zachary wants her to be at home and gets a little upset when he can't find her. When I change her diapers, he comes in her room and asks, "PooPoo?"

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