What is Zachary thinking? Because Autism has an effect on Zachary's communication skills (as we define them) we often find ourselves looking at him and wondering what in the world is going on inside that head of his. He has the most amazing expressions and is always thinking. Here are some of what I can imagine. If any of you have a suggestion, please post it to the comments. We would love to hear your thoughts.
1. When are we going to be done?
2. What would she do if I jumped in the lagoon?
3. Does she really expect me to take pictures and cooperate when I could be in the pool or the ocean?
4. Does this mean we are going home tomorrow?
5. Someone needs to hide that camera.
6. I need to have a talk with Dad about this camera thing.
7. I wonder how much trouble I would get in if I pushed her into the water.
8. I thought Ava was the focus of all pictures now but I am convinced that Mom has regressed.